Under the hood, MDX posts on this site are converted to HTML during build
time using the next-mdx-remote
processor which uses
remark and
It’s possible to enhance the processing by adding plugins, and previously
I had already enabled the remark-math
and remark-mdx-math-enhanced
plugins in my
article called Rendering Math in Markdown.
I have now decided to explore what other remark plugins are available/
I have decided to install the following:
- remark-slug
- remark-autolink-headings
- remark-toc
- @silvenon/remark-smartypants
- rehype-code-titles
- rehype-highlight
Table of Contents
remark plugin to add anchors headings using GitHub’s algorithm.
remark plugin to automatically add links to headings.
remark plugin to generate a table of contents.
Rehype plugin for parsing code blocks and adding titles to code blocks.
Rehype plugin to highlight code blocks.