
Hello World

2020-12-01Chris Tham

Launching our website today!


Today I am proud to deploy this website (Learning Jamstack) into production on Vercel!

I attended the Jamstack conference and Nextjs conference in October 2020 and was fired up to learn Nextjs and write my first app. My main motivation is to use this site as an excuse for learning and experimenting with NextJS.

Initially I was just experimenting with adding various features to the sample app that I built by following the tutorial on Learn NextJS.

But then, I thought the only way to learn properly is to build a real site, and the idea of a site where I can document my learning journey came to mind.

I started modifying the sample app about mid November, so it has taken me around two weeks to create this site. Most of it was spent on the site design. I leveraged the tailblocks components and Undraw for the beautiful illustrations. The last few days just prior to deployment has been spent on creating blog content so that the site does not feel like an empty shell like so many starter kits.

The source code for this site is stored in a Github repository - feel free to browse or use as a starting point for your own projects.

I hope to add more content and features to this site in the near future, for an idea of what to expect please visit our roadmap

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