
Implementing Post filtering by category

2020-12-14Chris Tham

How to select posts belonging to a category on the Posts page


Implementing filtering of posts by category via a select control turned out to be relatively easy.

First of all, we need to determine the superset of all categories that we have written posts in. Currently, categories are free-form strings embedded in the post front matter. To determine a unique set of categories, we implement the following function (where posts is an array of post metadata)

categories = Array.from(new Set(posts.flatMap((post) => post.meta.categories).sort()))

This rather clever line scans through the posts array and extract all category strings, then flattens them into a single array using the Javascript flatMap function. We then sort the array, convert the array into a Set (to remove duplicate categories) then back to an Array again.

To implement post filtering, we just need the currently selected category from a list (which may include the pseudo category (all)):

const categoryList = [...categories]
const [selectedCategory, setSelectedCategory] = useState(categoryList[0])
const currentPosts =
  selectedCategory === '(all)'
    ? posts
    : posts.filter((post) => post.meta.categories.includes(selectedCategory))

Then we use the Listbox component in HeadlessUI to display a select box. The code, stripped of TailwindCSS classes, look like this:

<Listbox value={selectedCategory} onChange={setSelectedCategory as any}>
  <Listbox.Label >
    Select Category


    { => (
      <Listbox.Option key={category} value={category}>

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